Specialty Public Policy

Our Public Policy team advocates on behalf of community-based specialty providers and practices to advance research, technology and patient safety so patients continue to have access to the best possible care, close to home.

McKesson advocates on behalf of specialty practices and providers

We know legislative activity in Washington can have a significant impact on your practice and the patients you treat every day.

Our Specialty Provider Public Policy team supports all specialty areas including oncology, neurology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, urology, and ophthalmology through direct advocacy, political engagement, policy analysis and information sharing.

Public Policy resources and advocacy tools

This website includes the latest information about public policy initiatives and legislation that impact your specialty practice, providers, and patients. Because “all politics is local,” you will also find resources to support your own advocacy efforts, because it’s more important than ever to get to know your local representatives and educate them about your practice and industry.

Join the monthly legislative teleconference

Our specialty provider Government Relations and Public Affairs team hosts a monthly teleconference to share updates and discuss key healthcare policy issues.

The meeting is held on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. CST / 1:00 p.m. PST. Contact your Account Representative to get access to the call details. This program has prior approval of AAPC for 1.0 Continuing Education Unit and may qualify for continuing education credit for the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE).

Four Reasons to Advocate for Your Cause
Icon of a doctor

Policymakers need your expertise

Icon of people

People working together can make a difference

Icon of government

Advocacy is easier than it seems

Icon of a handshake

We’re behind you every step of the way


How to Host a Site Visit with Your Legislators

Tips for inviting local representatives into your practice to experience first-hand how integrated treatment is delivered to patients.

US Flag

Contact Your Local Representative

Reach out to your federal, state and local elected officials.
