
Enhancing Healthcare Through Data: McKesson Business Analytics

The powerful tool assists McKesson Medical-Surgical customers with optimizing operations and cost savings, and helps ensure a more resilient supply chain.



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The healthcare industry thrives on data. Every interaction, every purchase and every treatment generates valuable information. But to truly optimize their operations, healthcare providers need a way to translate raw data into actionable insights. Enter McKesson Business Analytics (MBA), a powerful tool designed specifically for McKesson Medical-Surgical customers.

From Data to Actionable Insights: The Power of MBA

Born in 2015 from a customer's desire for an analytics dashboard, MBA has helped revolutionize how healthcare providers leverage their data. Today, with 800-1,200 daily users and 40,000-60,000 unique users over a 12-month period, MBA has become an essential tool for streamlining customer operations.

But what exactly does MBA do? At its core, MBA transforms customer data into four key benefits:

  • Savings Opportunities: By analyzing spending patterns and identifying non-compliant purchases, MBA helps customers find lower-cost alternatives and reduce wasteful spending. This includes per-patient analysis to pinpoint areas of potential savings and formulary compliance analytics to help with cost-effective purchases.
  • Increased Efficiency: Inefficiencies can cripple a healthcare provider's bottom line. MBA helps identify these inefficiencies by highlighting areas like over- or under-ordering of supplies and promoting compliant electronic ordering. By streamlining the ordering process and consolidating tasks, MBA saves valuable time and resources.
  • Improved Compliance: Non-compliance with regulations and contracts can lead to hefty fines and disrupt supply chains. MBA helps providers stay on track by providing alerts for non-compliant purchases and facilitating efficient electronic ordering, helping to adhere to order size and frequency.
  • Supply Chain Resiliency: With rising drug shortages and unpredictable disruptions, a resilient supply chain is critical. MBA's predictive analytics leverage past trends to anticipate future needs and potential shortages. This allows for proactive measures like diversifying country of origin for critical supplies and setting up alerts for changes in order fulfillment.

Helping to Predict the Future: MBA's Edge in Crisis Management

MBA goes beyond static data analysis. Its predictive features can help anticipate customer needs and offer real-time responses to emergencies. Here's how:

  • Outlier Alerts: Imagine a system that tells you when you potentially ordered too much or too little of a product. That's exactly what MBA's advanced capability offers. By analyzing historical data and order patterns, MBA triggers alerts that identify order spikes and dips which could help avoid stockouts and reduce waste, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency.
  • Emergency Ordering for Service Interruption: A service interruption can disable a healthcare provider's ability to access critical ordering information. MBA's emergency ordering feature steps in during such scenarios to enable swift ordering of essential supplies from McKesson, while also helping with the continuity of patient care during an outage or emergency.

By transforming data into actionable insights and harnessing the power of predictive analytics, MBA empowers healthcare providers to optimize their operations, save costs, and help ensure a more resilient supply chain. By utilizing the power of MBA, healthcare providers can focus on what they do best – providing exceptional patient care.
